Above is a photo of a carved sign made for the "Brambles Hideaway" (second view.The sign is carved from HDU. The text and artwork are carved in 2.5-D raised relief, with the background sandblasted in a wood grain texture. The sign is painted with fade-resistant long-lasting sign enamels, and is spray-painted twice with high quality polyurethane acrylic clear coats for additional UV radiation protection and graffiti resistance. The sign can be mounted on a wall, mounted between two aluminum or wood posts with steel side brackets, or hung with chains or snap-links from two eyehooks to an overhead beam or a scroll bracket mounted on a post. It can be made double-faced. Every hotel, motel, inn and B&B sign is custom designed to meet customer requirements.
To see photos of designs of over 200 other hotel, motel, inn and B&B signs, click on "Return to List" below right. We make custom long-lasting and attractive dimensional wood, HDU (High-Density-Urethane), bronze, brass, copper and aluminum-coated HDU, and HDPE (High-Density Polyethelene) signs. We make 2.5-D or 3-D monument and entrance signs in sizes from 3 ft to 15 ft wide, and make hanging or building wall signs in any size from 2 to 8 feet wide. We make custom unit number wall plaques for doors or adjacent walls from 4 inches to 18 inches wide. All our signs are designed for all-weather, long-term (10 to 30 years) outdoor use in any climate. Our custom signs can use a wide selection of size, shape, materials, color, font style, and artwork choices.
For more information on design options, prices, and delivery schedules, please call us at 951-698-8484 or email us at info@artsignworks.com, and our friendly and knowledgeable customer service representatives will respond promptly with a quote. Approximate prices are shown in Fig 4 in the middle of the Prices and Design Options page (click on link)
To see photos of related signs, see Gallery 25 (restaurant signs) or Gallery 27 (cocktail lounge, bar, pub and tavern signs). You can view these by clicking on their numbered gray boxes in the lower left margin. We have over 12,000 photos of signs and plaques on this website, organized into 45 photo galleries listed on the left; you can click on the numbered title in a gray box to visit another photo Gallery.
You can click on our Home page in the left gray box in the blue header at the top of this page. You can click on one of the navigation dark gray tabs at the top of this page or the gray boxes on the upper left margin to see other information such as prices, order forms, testimonials, etc.
To return to the signs in Gallery 29, please click on "Return to List" below right.