Multi-color Airbrushed Sandblasted Wood Grain Signs
For signs in this section, we sandblast the backgrounds of HDU signs using a a metal frame mask with horizontal steel wires to carve textures comprised of raised horizontal ridges where the wires (which can be slightly curved and with a spacing that can be varied) block the blasted abrasives so the HDU is not removed from the surface This creates a texture similar to that of a sandblasted Redwood sign, where sandblasting erodes the softer wood between growth rings which are hard. After sandblasting, the sign's background is painted with an airbrush using slightly different colors, creating the appearance of color variations in wood grain. The text, artwork. and border are raised one or more levels (e.g. 2.5-D raised relief) above the sandblasted background. The text, border and artwork, are painted with an artist-brush . All paints are long-lasting, fade resistant Matthews Acrylic Polyurethane MAP sign enamels. and the sign is clear-coated twice for extra UV protection. These signs can be customized in many ways, including modifying or adding artwork. They can be mounted on an building wall, on a masonry monument base, mounted between two posts, or hung using eyehooks on top of the sign attached to snap-links or chains from an overhead beam.
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