M9000 - Engraved Color-Core High-Density-Polyethylene (HDPE) Signs
This section shows photos of some of our attractive, rugged and low-maintence Color-Core HDPE signs, We make many of our rugged , low-maintenance outdoor signs where 3-D or 2.5-D multi-level raised relief is not required by using a High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) material called King ColorCore®. It is a versatile multi-color engravable high-density polyethylene sheet, either 0.5" or 0.75" thick, with three layers of contrasting colors which is used to make durable, color-fast signs with engraved text , borders and artwork. It is a superior homogeneous sheet, a product of a unique state-of-the-art continuous process called Polyfusion, and manufactured to the highest standards in the industry. King ColorCore® has a matte finish on both sides of the sheet. The outer two layers are one color, the middle core layer a different color. Neither layer can be painted because the colors are baked into both layers of the plastic. . However, engraved text, art and borders can be filled in with different colors of epoxy resin, which fuses with the HDPE and never discolors.
This photo Gallery 9 shows over 40 photos of custom carved Color-Core and Plastic Wood HDPE signs . To view these click on "Return to List" below right.
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Please call us at 951-698-8484 or email us at info@artsignworks.com for design options, price quotes, and delivery schedule, and our knowledgeable and helpful Customer service representatives will respond to your requests quickly. Approximate prices are shown in Fig 4 in the middle of the Prices and Design Options page (click on link)
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You can return to the Gallery 9 (HDPE signs) by clicking "Return to List" below right.